Cytochrome C Ready-To-Use IHC Kit

Cat# orb1817148-50

Size : 50t

Brand : Biorbyt

    Cytochrome C Ready-To-Use IHC Kit

    Cytochrome C Ready-To-Use IHC Kit

    Catalog Number: orb1817148

    Catalog Numberorb1817148
    CategoryAssays and Kits
    Descriptionorb1817148 is a ready-to-use IHC kit for staining of Cytochrome C. The kit provides all reagents, from antigen retrieval to cover slip mounting, that require little to no diluting or handling prior to use. Simply apply the reagents to your sample slide according to the protocol and you're steps away from obtaining high-quality IHC data. Cytochrome C is an electron transporting protein that resides within the intermembrane space of the mitochondria, where it plays a critical role in the process of oxidative phosphorylation and production of cellular ATP. An increasing amount of interest has been directed toward the role which cytocrome C has been demonstrated to play in apoptotic processes. Following exposure to apoptotic stimuli, cytochrome C is rapidly released from the mitochondria into the cytosol, an event which may be required for the completion of apoptosis in some systems. Cytosolic cytochrome C functions in the activation of caspase 3, an ICE family molecule that is a key effector of apoptosis.
    StoragePlease store components at the temperatures indicated on the individual tube labels. The kit is stable for 6 months from the date of receipt.
    NoteFor research use only
    Sample TypesFFPE tissue
    Expiration DatePlease enquire.