Human ATP5A (ATP5A1) activation kit by CRISPRa

CAT#: GA100351

ATP5F1A CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of human ATP synthase F1 subunit alpha

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Product Data
Format 3 gRNAs (5ug each), 1 scramble ctrl (10ug) and 1 enhancer vector (10ug)
Symbol ATP5F1A
Locus ID 498
Kit Components

GA100351G1, ATP5A gRNA vector 1 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

GA100351G2, ATP5A gRNA vector 2 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

GA100351G3, ATP5A gRNA vector 3 in pCas-Guide-GFP-CRISPRa

1 CRISPRa-Enhancer vector, SKU GE100056

1 CRISPRa scramble vector, SKU GE100077

Disclaimer These products are manufactured and supplied by OriGene under license from ERS. The kit is designed based on the best knowledge of CRISPRa SAM technology. The efficiency of the activation can be affected by many factors, including nucleosome occupancy status, chromatin structure and the gene expression level of the target, etc.
Reference Data
RefSeq NM_001001935, NM_001001937, NM_001257334, NM_001257335, NM_004046
UniProt ID P25705
Synonyms ATP5A; ATP5AL2; ATPM; COXPD22; hATP1; HEL-S-123m; MC5DN4; MOM2; OMR; ORM
Summary This gene encodes a subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase. Mitochondrial ATP synthase catalyzes ATP synthesis, using an electrochemical gradient of protons across the inner membrane during oxidative phosphorylation. ATP synthase is composed of two linked multi-subunit complexes: the soluble catalytic core, F1, and the membrane-spanning component, Fo, comprising the proton channel. The catalytic portion of mitochondrial ATP synthase consists of 5 different subunits (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon) assembled with a stoichiometry of 3 alpha, 3 beta, and a single representative of the other 3. The proton channel consists of three main subunits (a, b, c). This gene encodes the alpha subunit of the catalytic core. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding the different isoforms have been identified. Pseudogenes of this gene are located on chromosomes 9, 2, and 16. [provided by RefSeq, Mar 2012]


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