Citric acid-H2O

Minimum order 2

Cat# 38640.01

Size : 500G

Brand : SERVA Electrophoresis

C6H8O7·H2OMr 210.1CAS [5949-29-1]

Used to prepare citrate buffer for antigen retrieval of tissue samples. The citrate solution is designed to break protein cross-links, thus unmasking antigens and epitopes in formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded tissue sections, and resulting in enhanced staining intensity of antibodies. It has an anticoagulant activity and forms as a calcium chelator complexes that disrupt the tendency of blood to clot.

Assay (hydrate)
99.5 - 101.0 %

Hazard Statements H319
Precautions P264 - P280
Reaction P305 +P351 +P338 - P337 +P313

EINECS: 201-069-1WGK: 1HS: 29181400
Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

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