2024 NEW Calendar game
2024 calendar game, can you answer all these questions?
We have come up with a new calendar game for you & this year we would like you to answer all the questions below. So no need to search for the calendar pictures!
As usual, you can find all the answers on our website and on Linkedin
The 20 first participants with the correct answers (for all questions) will receive a nice sustainable gift after the deadline (end of January 2024),
good luck!
1) Could you provide the service that has benefited from "the Forfait Innovation"?
2) Which test did Clinisciences offer freely to its 25 first clients?
3) Name one of the services we offer?
4) How many products are in IHC Polymer-based detection kits - Human tissues - Anti-Human IgG - Alkaline phosphatase (AP)?
5) In Imaging Equipment, NeoChem refers to what?
6) How many brochures are available on the Clinisciences Website?
7) What is the difference between upcyte and ixcyte services?
8) How many primary antibody products does Clinisciences propose for its clients?
9) List us 5 of our brands?
10) Name one of our promotions on the website
11) Which ISO certificate does Biotrend USA have?
12) Which one was our last webinar?
13) Which of our services is illustrated by a mouse?
14) Which Biotrend USA Linkedin post between September & December got the most likes?
Please submit your answers to Calendar2024@Clinisciences.com